I agree with your general premise. For a while now, I've been trying to help others understand that fear (alarmism) captures attention, but too much fear creates apathy, disengagement, and hopelessness. In order for people to focus on problems they need to be 1) Local in proximity and time, 2) Capable of being solved, 3) Be within our control ,4) The consequences have to be serious, painful or embarrassing, and 5) The problem can't be chronic or perpetual. Climate hits all of these buttons.
So one option is to break climate down faster (http://bit.ly/2L9Bqg5) or rather break it into smaller bitesize pieces. I can work on getting heat pumps into my community, but can't do much about the polar icecaps melting.
If we use fear to capture attention, then we also need to counter it with our vision for a better world. We can do this on thousands of small projects worked on by millions of people. In other words, sweat the small stuff. This is one approach I'm using in my local community.