Anthony, good stuff! It seems to me that you are putting forth a rational argument. But we know that humans are not rational. Many times we do the things we do to support our identities. For example, the left often laments that people vote against their self interest. Rather, it is a failure to undertand their self interests or their identities. So Leveraging climate for other causes just reinforces whatever their social need is. A climate denier gets rewarded by their group for denying climate. But that reward is their motivation. It comes first.
I believe we need to make more climate heroes. Socially reward people for taking actions. Make them feel part of something bigger than themselves. And tell better stories about them.
Hobie Stocking
1. No one cmplains about coal ash when saying turbine blades are not recyleable. But this is a rational argument.
2. You might be interested in aone of my posts a few year back.